The impact of Derna floods on children’s education and their mental and psychological state, and emergency measures to confront the disaster.
Conference paper


The research was conducted to discuss the impact of Derna floods on children’s education and their mental and psychological state, and emergency measures to confront the disaster. It has explained and talked about the tragedy that happened in Derna and other eastern cities. Furthermore, it has been mentioned the coping mechanism for schools. In addition, this research has been mentioned the impacts of storm Daniel on Derna. And, it has been discussed the effective steps to rebuild education facilities in the affected areas. Besides, it has been explained how to help children who have been affected by floods, which must have been awared by parents and caregivers. Finally, it has been explained the impact of trauma on children and some important tips for the sectors on how to be better support children and young people affected by flooding.

Asma El Hashimi Ebrahim El Massry, (05-2024), البيضاء: مجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية, 1-18

Bounding coefficients for certain subclasses of bi-univalent functions related to Lucas-Balancing polynomials
Journal Article

In this paper, we introduced two novel subclasses of bi-univalent functions, Με (α, Β(α, ξ)) and ΗΣ (α, μ, Β(x, ξ)), utilizing Lucas-Balancing polynomials. Within these function classes, we established bounds for the Taylor-Maclaurin coefficients |a2| and a3, addressing the Fekete-Szegö functional problems specific to functions within these new subclasses. Moreover, we illustrated how our primary findings could lead to various new outcomes through parameter specialization.

Abobaker Mustafa E Abominjil, MOHAMMED SALIM ALAJEELI MADI, (05-2024), The USA: AIMS Mathematics, 9 (7), 18034-18047

The impact of storytelling and theatre in building a remarkable personality and moral values in children.
Conference paper


The research was conducted to discuss the impact of storytelling and theater in building a remarkable personality and moral values in children. Furthermore, it has been mentioned the importance of preschool period and educated family to help of building the child’s personality and cultivating moral values. In addition, this research has been mentioned that in Libya there is not separation between moral education, strong personality and religion, which has been gotten all his values from second language and it has been explained and clarified the character development.

Moreover, it has been discussed two main headlines, ‘the storytelling and the child’s early age’ and ‘the role of storytelling and theater to create a creative and strong personality.

 Besides, some tricks and plays techniques have been mentioned to enhance the creativity and remarkable personality among children, (pretend play / language play /musical play and play drawing and writing).

Finally, some advices and recommendations have been given to the parents and teachers in order to guide them to the appropriate ways to establish the child’s personality and moral values. 

Asma El Hashimi Ebrahim El Massry, (10-2023), غريان: جامعة غريان, 1-17

Teaching speaking skills to EFL students
Journal Article



This research was conducted to investigate the difficulties that faced teachers and EFL learners while they are teaching speaching skills. Furthermore, it has been defined the meaning of teaching speaking. In addition, it has been expounded some strategies which help teachers to get better performance during teaching speaking skills. It has been mentioned some effective teaching techniques in which focus on young learners and the importance role of teachers in teaching speacking skills. Also, a number of advices have been mentioned to guarantee efficient learning.

Asma El Hashimi Ebrahim El Massry, (12-2022), غريان: مجلة القلم المبين, 13 (1), 1-15

The importance of classroom interaction in teaching English language students
Journal Article



The research was conducted to investigate the impact of classroom interaction on English language learning different levels of education. Furthermore, the meaning of classroom interaction has been defined. In addition, some factors to create effective and interaction in classroom have mentioned. Also, some effective and remarkable strategies were presented in order to help teachers to get better performance. Moreover, some teaching methods were suggested to develop the classroom interaction skills of students. 

Asma El Hashimi Ebrahim El Massry, (12-2022), غريان: مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقة والانسانية, 17 (1), 1-18

Levels of Natural Numbers
Journal Article

في هدا البحث كنتيجة لنظرية العوامل الوحيدة في نظرية الاعداد والتي تنص على ان كل عدد طبيعي هو عدد اولى او يمكن كتابته كحاصل ضرب اعداد اولية , بالإمكان تقسيم مجموعة الاعداد الطبيعية الى عدد لانهائي من المستويات المنفصلة التي يحتوى كل مستوى منها عدد لانهائي من الاعداد ماعدا المستوى .


وكانت الدراسة متمثلة في الاتى :


1-مقارنة الاعداد في كل المستويات

2-قابلية القسمة بين كل الاعداد في كل المستويات

Abobaker Mustafa E Abominjil, Salahddeen Khalifa, (12-2022), مجلة الجامعة غريان: جامعة غريان, 24 (12), 286-295

The importance of using modern strategies to improve the creative thinking skills of young students
Conference paper


 In recent years, there has been much emphasis and motivation for teaching at schools of different levels to move from the traditional way of teaching “chalk and talk‟ to a more creative and innovative teaching methodology. In this paper, it has been defined the creative thinking and its hidden meaning, also it has explained the creativity as a process which has included four kinds (fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration). Likewise, it has been mention some barriers that prevent the students of the creative thinking that has divided into three kinds of blocks (perceptual blocks, emotional blocks and cultural blocks). Furthermore, some stimulated strategies and techniques have been explainedd in order to enhance and support using creative thinking of young students. In addition , distinct types of media which have been involved in modern teaching techniques in order to create more creative thoughts which may be helpful in improving the creative thinking of young students. Moreover, some facts about how to prepare for the age of modern teaching technology have offered. Some remarkable examples: encourage students to use different computer programs, electronic mail, databases in their research or ask and answer of their varied questions. The importance of this paper has been embodied in the following: It gives opportunity to influence the personality of teachers to improve their traditional methods of teaching and it is an attempt to change the ministry of education’s policies relating to the current curriculum , in order to move forward more understanding and creative thinking of the information more than memorization.

Asma El Hashimi Ebrahim El Massry, (09-2022), غريان: جامعة غريان, 1-18

- Teaching pronunciation skills to EFL students
Journal Article



The research was conducted to investigate the problems and difficulties that ESL students and teachers have faced while they are teaching and learning pronunciation skills. It has been explained some pronunciation goals and factors that affect pronunciation learning. Also, it has been given some ideas for focusing on specific pronunciation features. In addition, some plans for effective learning experiences have been mentioned.  


Asma El Hashimi Ebrahim El Massry, (12-2019), غريان: مجلة القلم المبين, 7 (1), 1-21

مدى اثقان معلم الرياضيات بالشق الثاني من التعليم الاساسي لكفايات التخطيط للدورة اليومية في ضوء لقياس مقترح
مقال في مجلة علمية

تقويم مدى اتقان المعلمين لكفايات التخطيط

المختار علي النوري المبروك، (06-2017)، الناشر دار الزاوية للكتاب: المجلة الليبية للدراسات، 12 (7)، 109-133

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